When you create a new job, either by converting a quote to a job or by creating a new job (see 'Adding a New Job to Passport365' for further assistance) you can assign the work to the relevant field worker.
This can be done when you first add the job or by editing the job for which you want to assign the work.
Assigning a job
Select the job you wish to assign and select the 'Edit job' function.
At the bottom of the 'Job' page you will find the assignment section:
Basic Package
Customers who are on the standard version of Passport365 will have a simple option to assign work to their field workers. The first drop down menu will provide you with a full list of all field workers.
The first drop down menu will provide you with a full list of all field workers.
Once you have selected the relevant field worker, you may then select a start and end date for the job's scheduled completion.
Select 'Save' to ensure your changes are updated.
Premium Package
Assigning a job in our upgraded premium version of Passport365 also includes additional features which enable you to filter only those field workers who are able to complete the works. For example, if the job requires an electrician then by selecting the relevant category you will only be able to select those field workers who have been designated as 'Electricians' (see 'Creating Categories' for further information).
By selecting the drop-down menu, 'Assigned to' you will be presented with a pop-up window:
By selecting the relevant category preset in the relevant drop-down menu, the results of those field workers displayed will be updated accordingly.
In this screen shot we see a list of all field workers:
But in the second screen we can see that, by selecting the category 'Plumbers' that the choice of field workers is narrowed to only include those staff members who have been designated as providing Plumbing services; in this case, Barry Saunders.
If you have numerous field workers then you may also wish to filter the results based on those members of staff that have specific skills. You can do this using the 'Services' drop down menu which will further narrow your search results.
Or, if you know the name of the field worker you wish to assign the job to, you can simply use the search function to find the correct member of staff.
Once you have narrowed your search of relevant field workers you can ask Passport365 to show the next available choice of time slots to enable you to select the most appropriate (and soonest) date available.
Beside each field worker will be displayed the next available time they can complete the job.
You can either manually select a field worker or opt for the 'Use Next Available Slot' selection which will automatically assign the job to the field worker who can complete the work first.
Once you have assigned the job and selected a scheduled date, select 'Done' to save your changes.