Generating a new invoice for an existing job is a really simple process in Passport365.
To get started you will need to go to the main jobs list.
From the main jobs list, you will then need to find the job that you are looking for which you wish to invoice. You can use filters to find the job such as the keywords search or by clicking on a job status.
Once you have found the job click the "view" button.
You will then see your job in "saved mode" with job details and three tabs down the left including "Files and notes" and "Cost items".
If you still need to add cost to this job before you invoice you can do this from within the "Cost items" tab (example below), if not you can skip this and go to "generating and sending an invoice".
Cost Items
The second selection from the menu allows you to add cost items to your charge that will make raising an invoice on the completed works a simple process.
Select the 'Cost Items' option from the sub-menu in the left-hand menu pane.
From this menu you can add as many items as you need to build up the chargeable components of your job.
Note: when you use a job template, the standard costs are already pre-selected for you but you can add additional elements as well as edit the completed fields.
Fill out the fields that are relevant to each item of the job including a description, cost and charging type.
Remember to select 'Save' before navigating away from this window.
Generating and sending an invoice
Once all of your cost has been added to your job, you can then create and send your invoice. To do this click on the "create and send invoice" button (please note: the job must be complete)
Invoice options
when you click the create and send button you will be presented with a list of invoice options, which we have numbered in the image below.
Invoice date: date the invoice was created
Terms: how long the customer has to pay the invoice
Due date: date payment is due (calculated automatically)
Send email: choose who email is sent to. Click the small plus icon on the right-hand side if you want to send the invoice to more than one person or untick the email box if you do not want to send it to anyone
Add note: Add a note to the invoice that the customer can see
Add files: Add multiple files from your computer to the email that is sent with the invoice
Preview: View a preview of your invoice prior to sending it to the customer. Please note that the reference number will show "######" as the real reference hasn't been generated yet.
Create invoice: Create and/or send the invoice to the customer