You can collect additional data when adding or editing your assets by using custom fields. If you already use custom fields across the system, the process is the same. If you are new to Passport365, you can follow the process below.
Creating custom fields
Go to settings > Work > Custom fields > Add new
Custom fields on All assets
Select Asset > Choose the type of field, give your field a name, activate (if you want it to be seen on your assets straight away) > Click save
Custom fields on specific asset categories
You can create a custom field to only be shown on Assets with specific categories e.g. you may want a custom field on assets with the category Lifts
Click select asset category(s) tick box > select the category(s) you want the field attached to > select the type of field > give your field a name > tick active (if you want your field active immediately).
When you go into an asset, you will now see your new custom field available to be filled in