Submitted timesheets can be found by clicking the submitted status if you want to find submitted timesheets for the current week you're viewing, or by clicking "All to approve" if you want to view all submitted timesheets that need to be reviewed across all weeks.
Checking a submitted timesheet
If you want to check the details of a timesheet prior to approving it, click the view button which will take you to a breakdown of time and expenses being claimed
How to Approve a timesheet
Once your staff have Submitted timesheets, they will then be ready to Approve or decline.
Navigating to submitted timesheets
Submitted timesheets can be found by clicking the submitted status if you want to find submitted timesheets for the current week you're viewing, or by clicking "All to approve" if you want to view all submitted timesheets that need to be reviewed across all weeks.
Checking a submitted timesheet
If you want to check the details of a timesheet prior to approving it, click the view button which will take you to a breakdown of time and expenses being claimed
you will then be able to see the weekly breakdown of time spent and expenses
You can also drill down even further to see individual records for each day by hovering over the day and clicking
Changing status to Approved or Declined
When happy with the timesheet, you can change the status to Approved. This can be done in batch from the main timesheets screen
Or by going into individual timesheets and changing the status manually to Approved
If you want to Decline the timesheet, follow the same steps as above, but use the decline status.